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    Riverboat Postman

    postman  This tour is a unique experience. We leave Sydney metro and visit the township of Brooklyn on the Majestic Hawkesbury River. The vessel leaves at 8.30 am  where on board we will enjoy morning tea, a mouth watering buffet lunch and great commentary from the captain and crew. This is reputedly the last such boat  trip in the world.

    We will visit settlements along the Hawkesbury where roads to not reach and the river is the only means of transport.

    The boat will deliver mail, bread and milk to these remote but wonderful settlements. Our home ward bound trip will take us over the Berowra ferry experiencing  the local fruit stalls.

    Just as Sydney was discovered by convicts back in 1788 you can also travel back in time and experience the convict heritage of this peaceful region as it remains today.

    If you take the Riverboat Postman tour with us you will get to see koalas at the Koala Park Sanctuary, enjoy the wonders of the surrounding National Parks or in between breaks take a canoe or kayak ride down the river.

    It doesn’t get any better than that when you book your Hawkesbury River Boat cruise or one day tour with Around and About Bus Hire & Tours.

    Sydney’s Hawkesbury River your so close to Sydney, so experience this wonderful area with us all the way.

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